Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Name That Skank

It's time for the new DJT monthly contest we call "Name That Skank."

Here's how it works.  We show you a picture of an alleged skank.  If you think you know the identity of said alleged skank, post it in the comments section.  The first person to correctly identify the alleged skank wins the monthly "Name That Skank" prize package.  This month's prizes include a signed copy of "Pushing Play for Dummies," by DVDJ Reign.

And now, this month's skank:

Bonus Questions:

For bonus prizes, answer the following bonus questions:

1.  What was this angel's occupation and who was her employer at the time this photo was taken?; and

2.  Which white trash dive bar in downtown Jackson currently employs this hoe?

This month's bonus prize is a framed, autographed picture of DVDJ Clover's Probation Officer, with a Certificate of Authenticity signed by MDOC Commissioner Chris Epps.

Good Luck.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Club Volume Run By Drug Dealer

Club Volume, the downtown Jackson trash dive that Chip Matthews pretends not to own, has a rather "interesting" young fella at the helm.  Sam Pittman, a white dude who gave himself the street name "DVDJ Clover," is one of Chip's front-monkeys at Club Volume.  If that name sounds familiar, it may be because Samuel Pittman was one of Chip's partners in Fire, Chip's flagshit flagship bar that he doesn't own.

In addition to running the club, Sam Pittman "performs" there quite frequently.  About 4 nights a week he is at Club Volume rockin' his mad skills at pushing "PLAY." 

We don't know how long Samuel Pittman a/k/a Clover has been in the DJ business.  But we do know that in 2007, the Ridgeland Police Department charged him with being in the methamphetamine business.  On April 14, 2007, Ridgeland police officers arrested Samuel Pittman and charged him with possession of 2 to 10 grams of methamphetamine with intent to sell, transfer or distribute.  A Madison County grand jury agreed, and issued an indictment against Pittman three months later:

Club Volume Jackson MS Indictment Meth with Intent

Even though Pittman was apparently dumb enough to try to sling rock in Madison County, he wasn't dumb enough to go to trial.  Pittman plead guilty to the lesser included felony offense of Possession of Methamphetamine:

Club Volume Jackson MS Conviction Possession of Meth

Interesting move, as Pittman did not have a plea deal from the State.  The only "deal" the DA offered was to allow Pittman to plead to the lesser felony Possession charge.  There was no recommendation as to the sentence.  In September of 2008, Pittman was sentenced to 10 years in the custody of the Mississippi Department of Corrections, with 8 years and 6 months suspended, leaving a year-and-a-half to serve.  Pittman was also placed on 5 years of supervised probation after his release from prison.

Club Volume Jackson MS Sentence Possession of Meth

Club Volume Jackson MS Criminal Possession of Meth

By our calculation, Pittman is currently on probation for this conviction.  [Note:  Evidently MDOC has gotten a lot kinder and gentler here lately, as there was a time when a person on probation would get violated for hanging out in bars all night.]

Folks, this is exactly what we have been talking about with Chip Matthews.  The man is not capable of running a reputable business, nor is he capable of surrounding himself with reputable people.  Chip Matthews, for all his bullshit to the contrary, has never contributed one positive thing to downtown Jackson.  In the past few months alone, Chip has brought us (1) the state-line-dive rendition of the Blue Oyster Bar, (2) Mrs. Crotch Rocket October 2006, and now (3) Sir Meth-a-Lot.

If this is the management, can you imagine the quality of the clientele?  Considering that Club Volume is marketed to the lowest of the low class displaced Electric Cowboy crowd, is it really reasonable to believe this dump is going to have anything other than a negative impact on the community?

These are the kind of degenerates and lowlife white trash with whom Chip Matthews surrounds himself.  Chip landed his Meth Head friend upon our community, and sees no problem with it.  Chip Matthews quite simply does not give a rip about downtown Jackson.  He's willing to open any kind of nasty dive, and jump into bed with whatever pieces of crap he thinks it takes, in pursuit of actually having a business that lasted more than a month.  If that means bringing convicted meth felons who are still under supervision into our community, then he will do it.

Remember this post the next time you hear one of his illiterate hangers-on talking about how we're so mean, that these are good people trying to "give" us something nice, or whatever else pops into their chemically-powered turbo-charged brains at 3 a.m.

Chip, you need to pack your shit and get out of downtown Jackson.  And take your pal DVDJ 8-Ball with you.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Does this picture make me look fat?

Well here's one for the "Are you f---ing kidding me" file.

At a recent City Council meeting, our elected officials demonstrated how focused they are on issues that really have an impact on the residents of the City of Jackson.  Maintaining a disciplined approach to improving our decaying City, our elected officials don't waste time getting sidetracked by frivolous issues such as crime, broken sewers and raggedy streets.  No, they concentrate on more pressing and critical issues, such as why Frank Melton's portrait is not up at City Hall, and how it hurts Harvey Johnson's feelings that his own picture from his first term isn't up either.

According to the Clarion-Ledger, City Council President Frank Bluntson asked Mayor Harvey Johnson, Jr. about Melton's portrait at a recent City Council meeting.  Apparently, this isn't the first time Mr. Bluntson has addressed the issue with the Mayor.

We'd like to report that Mayor Johnson quickly put Mr. Bluntson in his place, telling the old man "With all the problems we have in the City of Jackson and you come at me with this bulls&!t? That's a disgrace!"

That's what we would like to report.  Unfortunately we can't, as King Harvey instead took the opportunity to let everyone know that he is still heavily intoxicated by his own Mayoral Majesty.  King Harvey explained that Melton's picture wasn't going up because King Harvey's portrait from his first term (just prior to Melton) hadn't been erected yet.  His Mayoral Highness decreed that Melton's picture would be placed on the wall, but not until King Harvey's own monument to Himself was placed there (Melton's portrait will be followed by yet another portrait of King Harvey commemorating the current term).

Just when Jackson residents start looking around wondering if Ashton Kutcher is going to jump out and inform them that they've been punk'd, it gets even better.  King Harvey further told the Council that he and his staff have been working diligently to correct the injustice known as Portraitgate.  His Majesty said the reason the portraits were not up yet was because

he and city officials have been trying to decide on the right picture and frame for a portrait of himself from his last stint in office.

"As soon as we get the framing switched out and hang my portrait, we'll probably get them both up at the same time."
Yep.  The passage of time has done nothing to reduce the size of the massive chips that adorn King Harvey's non-profit shoulders.  The Mayor's pettiness in refusing to place Melton's portrait until his own is placed reveals the childish and petty nature of King Harvey's personality.  His sensitive little feelings were bruised because the Council did not vote to erect his portrait after he left office (probably because they were trying to forget it).  Now that he's back for another ride on the taxpayer gravy train, King Harvey will correct this slight to his massive ego.

Pettiness aside, is King Harvey so vain and impressed with himself that he must waste the time of city officials to choose the perfect picture to memorialize his first term in office?  Is King Harvey's ego really that big?

There are major problems in the City of Jackson, yet this arrogant, self-absorbed, Pride-Ridin' bureaucrat is pissing away time trying to figure out which portrait and frame make him look less full of shit.  Let us save you some time, Mr. Mayor.  You look that way in all of them, so just pick one.

To help Mayor Johnson expedite the portrait selection process, the DJT suggests the following portrait for both terms, as it so accurately captures the essence of the Johnson Administrations:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Denny Crane on Guns

Denny Crane demonstrates intelligent solutions to crime after getting the perception he is being robbed.

Advance Advisory to Race Pimps:  As Boston Legal fans know, Denny Crane was a caricature of the stereotypical ultra conservative, right wing, gun nut.  This scene was to perpetuate Crane's hard right credentials, not to stereotype any particular race.

No actual thugs were harmed in the making of this video.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Donna Ladd Hits Rock Bottom

The problem with calling out Donna Ladd when she lies authors irresponsible, half-baked crap, is that it gives her the thing she so desperately craves:  Attention.  Therein lies the problem with dealing with a 50 year-old woman with the permanent temperament of a 2 year-old.

The DJT was acutely aware that our post calling BS on her asinine and reckless essay about firearms would feed Donna's lifelong desire for attention.  But, considering that her drivel posed lethal risks to anyone foolish enough to follow Donna's advice, we felt it was necessary to let her have a little attention, in order to warn the public of the inherent danger of following Donna's advice.

Predictably, when the LaddFraud saw our post, the twits hit the fan.  Donna evidently did not care much for our fair and balanced critique of her patently stupid editorial (as well as her lack of any credentials in the personal protection field).  Donna turned her Twitter selector switch to full-auto and fired off a 4-round burst, each wildly missing her intended target. 

We publish the results of Donna's drive-by below for your comedic pleasure, each followed by some commentary from the DJT.

The old "I didn't do it" defense.  Yes, Donna, you did.  When the post first appeared on the JFP website, it clearly identified the author as "Donna Ladd."  For some reason, Donna's girlfriend Publisher Todd Stauffer ran over and took Donna's name off the post.  Donna now claims this was an error, and that the real author was the JFP "Editorial Board."  Right.

Don't you just love the dishonest hair-splitting?  She first moans that she didn't write this nonsense, but in the comments section to the post states that although she didn't write the story, she "agrees with it."  Donna Ladd is the Editor.  She agrees with the editorial.  Even if we stretch the benefit of the doubt beyond its functional capacity and assume Donna isn't lying, this is still a distinction without a difference.

This foolish editorial is yours, Donna.  Stop trying to blame others for this farce.

This one was as predictable as it is pathetic.  Whenever confronted with a strong opposing viewpoint, port-side intelligentsia like Donna Ladd respond by falsely labeling the opposition as either bigots or racists.  It's a transparent attempt to marginalize the opposition.  Sadly, this is a common tactic by some here in Jackson (just two weeks ago we had another little namby pamby do the same thing because he didn't like something we wrote).  There's not a damn thing "bigoted" in our post, unless one claims we are bigoted against insecure, dishonest, agenda-driven, narcissistic, know-it-all journalist-impersonators who give people "advice" that can get them killed.  As to that, we will concede the point.

And yes, Donna, we let people comment anonymously here.  We also let them say what they want, in whatever way they want, with only a few restrictions.  We much prefer this approach to yours, as we are not as comfortable with hypocrisy as you appear to be.  We don't shout down or ban commenters because they disagree with us, while letting our pets say whatever they wish.  We tolerate the occasional comment that goes off the reservation, in order to avoid the Pot-Meet-Donna system you have on your website.

Hun, you need professional help.  If the DJT is trying to "cash in" on fear, we're evidently not doing it right.  This site is designed to expose problems and the people that cause them in downtown Jackson.  In doing so, our intent is to alleviate those problems.  We do not expect or intend to make money.  In fact, this site, by its very nature, is a money-losing venture.  For example, the incident reports in the Standard Life Auto Burglaries post cost us $159.00.  Every time we acquire records for a post, we spend money, not to mention the time, fuel and effort expended in gathering the evidence we post here.  It is worth it to us to spend money to educate the public and clean up the riff-raff.  To say that the DJT tries to "cash in" by publicizing these issues is nothing short of an outright lie.

Donna's silly editorial did not make us "defensive," as she claims.  We responded to that editorial because it was ignorant and written by a person who is an all-knowing expert on everything.  It's not defensive to say that Donna Ladd does not know what she is talking about when it comes to personal protection.  It is, however, the truth.  Donna Ladd has no experience or training of any kind in law enforcement, security or personal protection.  Yet Cliffette Claven published this editorial giving people tactical advice on the use of firearms for personal protection.  Motivated by her lust for relevance and attention, Donna gave dangerous advice she is not qualified to give.  It's not "defensive" to say so.

Our favorite part of this bulltwit is Donna's statement that "people [meaning Donna Ladd] are choosing to do something other than hate about crime."  Implication, of course, being that we just sit around and bitch about crime, without doing anything about it.  Our question to Donna is, what exactly have you done to prevent crime?  As far as we can tell, the only thing you have done is tell people not to do the one thing that will prevent them from becoming the victims of some future JFP mentees.  So what specific action has the JFP taken to prevent crime? 

As far as your implication that we just "hate" about crime, you are, once again, a liar and a fraud.  The DJT doesn't like to toot its own horn, but just ask this violent career criminal what we've done about crime in downtown Jackson.  And while you're at it, ask him if he thinks he would be in jail right now if our friends from Springfield Armory had not been there to "assist" us in ending his 20+ year one-man crime wave. 

And finally, an invitation to visit the traffic-ailing JFP website.  Because, as we said in the beginning, this is nothing more than a desperate cry for attention by Donna.  Her crime "manifesto" fell in the woods, and even though many people were around, no one heard it.  The reason no one heard it is because no one is listening.

Look for more hissy fits from Donna in the near future.  Irrelevancy has reared its ugly head at the JFP.  And Donna Just.Can't.Stand.It.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Standard Life Flats Auto Burglaries

Some of the "Best of the New South" recently had an auto burglary field day outside the Standard Life building in downtown Jackson.

In the early morning hours of November 8, 2011, while Standard Life residents slept, some Jackson animals were outside the building breaking into their vehicles.

Standard Life Flats-Jackson MS-Auto Burglaries

A total of 5 vehicles were burglarized.  The modus operandi was the same for all five.  The PoS(s) unceremoniously broke a window, rummaged through the contents and took anything they desired.

Even though these crimes occurred at night, these acts were fairly brazen.  The vehicles were not parked in some dark and secluded parking lot.  The vehicles were parked directly in front of the Standard Life building.  [Note:  127 South Roach Street is the street address for Standard Life Flats.  203 East Pearl Street is approximately 30 yards from the main entrance to Standard Life].

The DJT sympathizes with the victims of these crimes.  We know how it feels to come out in the morning and have the perception that a window has been broken out of your vehicle.  We are well-familiar with the sinking feeling that comes with the perception that all your property has been stolen.  Auto burglary is a particularly maddening crime.  It's maddening not only because some S-O-B stole your stuff, but also because most auto burglaries are preventable.  The Standard Life auto burglaries were certainly preventable, as the burglars announced their intention to commit these crimes 2 days earlier.

On November 6, 2011, just after 1:00 a.m., five (5) cars were perceived to be burglarized just around the corner at 105 East Capitol Street.  These cars were parked on Capitol Street about a block from where the later Standard Life auto burglaries occurred.

Downtown Jackson MS Crime-Auto Burglaries-11-6-11

The break-ins on November 6 should have been a major red flag for those responsible for crime prevention in the area.  Auto burglars have a tendency to hit the same area multiple times before moving on to other areas.  The first time an auto burglar hits a particular area, his mission is not only to do a few jobs, but also to gather intelligence.  "Professional" auto burglars are looking for police and security patrol patterns, as well as citizen traffic and activity in the area.  If they are able to pull off their jobs without detection on the first visit (and there is not much heat), they will return to the area a short time later to hit it again.

An average downtown resident might reasonably presume that a burglar would not return to the same area only 2 days later to commit additional burglaries.  It just doesn't seem logical.  Therefore, no one expects them to return so soon.  Auto burglars know citizens do not expect them to return, and that's precisely why they do it.

While this information is outside the common knowledge of the average citizen, it is well-known to those in the business of crime prevention.  These same allegedly knowledgeable people sat on their asses and did nothing after the burglaries on November 6.  As a result, the thieves returned 48 hours later for some more low hanging fruit.  So who dropped the ball?

Standard Life Flats:  The DJT is one of David Watkins' biggest fans, but the person or persons responsible for security operations at Standard Life sucks.  [Note: We are assuming there is an employee dedicated specifically to security operations at the Watkins properties.  If not, then there are bigger issues than these auto burglaries].

Standard Life's security director obviously took no measures to prevent the burglaries.  The only question is whether he knew about the burglaries that occurred two nights earlier.  If he did not know of the burglaries, then he's asleep at the switch when it comes to tracking crime around the facility.  If he knew of the prior burglaries and did nothing, then he is recklessly lazy.  If he knew of the burglaries and did not realize that he needed to do something, then he lacks the knowledge to work in security period.

Jackson Police Department:  Before tearing off into the cops, we must make it clear that this is not the fault of patrol officers or their front-line supervisors.  The failures in this case are far outside patrol officers' responsibilities.  This is not a patrol problem, it is an investigation and intelligence problem.  This problem can be laid squarely at the feet of the hopelessly inept JPD Detective Division.  There are a few good detectives at JPD, but by and large, these are some of the most disorganized and unmotivated law enforcement officers we have encountered.

There is no excuse for not putting the area under surveillance by UCs for several days after the November 6 burglaries.  Perhaps a bait car and a plan to take down the burglars when they strike would have been in order.  But the so-called "detectives" did nothing proactive after the break-ins on November 6.  As a result, the criminals came back to hit the jackpot 2 nights later.

Auto burglaries go unsolved in Jackson because JPD's detectives are not motivated to solve them.  Investigating auto burglaries and apprehending the offenders requires taking immediate action.  It also involves hard work and sleepless nights.  Rather than effort, the detectives take a "Sh!t Happens" approach to auto burglaries.  That attitude is why these people are still out there burglarizing other citizens' cars.

[Note:  Of the few auto burglars that are caught, most are caught by attentive patrol officers who catch them in the act.  If it weren't for patrol officers, no auto burglar would ever be arrested in Jackson.]

Jackson Free Press:  The JFP failed by not mentoring, counseling and improving the self-esteem of the perpetrators so that they would stop stealing other people's stuff.

On a serious note, until we get dedicated, professional security directors and JPD detectives who actually want to make auto burglary arrests, we all better keep Safelite's number handy.  Odds are we will need it.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Our Advice to Donna "Fondrazon" Ladd

UPDATED:  Added link to Donna's drivel below.

The DJT's advice to Donna Ladd:  Stop giving advice--particularly on matters of self defense.  We're seriously concerned that the 6 or 7 people who actually take Donna seriously might take her advice and get themselves killed.

A few weeks ago, the Fondrazon got her anti-gun boxers in a bunch over advice that some Jackson Police Officers allegedly gave to some Jackson Free Press Fondren Daily Worker staffers.  Multiple police officers allegedly advised Donna's minions that in order to protect themselves from crime, they should...GASP!...get a gun.  When Donna heard this she went off faster than an SKS at the Branch Davidian compound.

She called her pal Aunt Esther Chief Rebecca Coleman to tattle on the officers.  Tattling wasn't enough for the ever hysterical egomaniac, however.  She immediately penned a column congratulating herself on tattling to the Campus Cop Chief of Police.  Then, she turned all Sarah Brady on us and warned of the dangers of firearms possession by law-abiding citizens.

Donna showed great concern for the welfare of violent criminals who might get killed by an evildoer who lawfully possesses a firearm.  Donna cites half-baked statistics to persuade us that "guns 'intensify violence' in property-crime situations leading to more homicides."  Well, duh.  A homeowner with a firearm is likely to "intensify the violence" by cooking the perpetrator on the spot.  And yes, there is an increased risk of homicide, as the bad guy stands a good chance of becoming Dr. Hayne's newest patient.  On this point, the DJT asks, what's wrong with that?

Because Donna Ladd is an agenda-driven master of spin, she made these fallacious arguments in the context of burglary and other property crimes.  Never once did Donna mention the effect of lawful firearms possession on attempted violent crimes.  This is because such an argument would be utterly ridiculous.  Experts, logic and common sense unanimously agree that an armed citizen is less likely to be beaten, robbed, raped and/or murdered than an unarmed victim.  No citizen can predict when he or she will be the intended victim of a violent crime.  Only the violent criminals can decide that.  But if it happens, citizens can increase their chances of survival by following Rule #1 of getting mixed up in a gunfight:  Have a gun.  Donna completely omits any reference to violent crime because it didn't fit her agenda in the article.

By focusing on property crime, Donna reveals just how completely clueless she is when it comes to matters of self-defense.  We don't carry concealed because we're afraid someone is going to break into our cars and steal our Top Gun limited edition soundtrack.  We carry concealed because we don't want to be the victim of a Jackson thug who sticks a gun in our faces to "burglarize" us mano y mano.

Donna goes so far as to trot out the most ridiculous argument against firearms possession: that the guns become "loot" for burglars.  Good thinking, Donna.  Let's not arm ourselves because of the slim possibility a burglar will break in and steal the guns.  [Note to Donna:  Those of us who are serious about the use of firearms for self-defense don't leave our primary firearms unattended at the house or in the car.  They are on our persons--exactly where God and Gaston Glock intended them to be.]

Just when we think Donna could not get any more ridiculous, she offers up idiotic firearm safety advice to anyone who obtains a firearm.  Donna recommends that we use "locks that keep it secure from children and in the case your home or car is burglarized successfully."  That is asinine.  A locked gun is an unloaded gun, and there are few things in this world more useless than an unloaded gun.  To unload and trigger lock a firearm defeats the purpose of having the firearm in the first place.  Safety is of paramount importance, but there are other methods of securing firearms when not in one's immediate possession.  These alternative methods do not require making the firearm completely useless.

This little "firearms safety" lecture demonstrates how very little Donna Ladd and her live-in girlfriend Todd Stauffer know about firearms and personal protection.  For Donna to give this ridiculous advice, while being wholly ignorant of the defensive use of firearms, is nothing short of reckless.

We suspect that Donna's hyper-hysterical reaction to this phony controversy is only partly fueled by her irrational hatred of firearms.  Donna's reaction was, at least partially, a desperate cry for attention.  You see, Donna put a great deal of time and thought into her lackluster blockbuster "crime issue."  She treated the ignorant masses to the "JFP Crime Manifesto," as the cure to Jackson's perception crime problem.  It was to be Donna's greatest work, and her everlasting gift to the rest of us idiots who are less smart than she. 

Unfortunately for Donna, it flopped.  The JFP Crime Issue went nowhere.  She can't even get her most loyal members of the echo-chamber to log-in and tell her how awesomely intelligent she is for rehashing the same old failed crime prevention theories that have been floated around for 30 years.  Something tells us that when her crime prevention issue epically failed, she went into full-blown irrelevancy panic mode.  And Donna will never be irrelevant.  Never.  Donna had to fabricate this controversy about the alleged advice of certain JPD officers in an attempt to appear relevant, even if it's only the perception of relevance existing only in her own mind.  

Hopefully, most will recognize that Donna Ladd knows nothing about this topic, and will disregard her foolish statements.  Donna, you do not possess the education, training or experience to offer an opinion of any value on the issue of self-defense.  Your advice is worthless, irresponsible and potentially dangerous. 

Assuming you are telling the truth about the advice these officers gave, it is good advice.  Citizens would be well-advised to take personal protection recommendations from street-level police officers who know what they are talking about, and reject the unsolicited, ill-informed and unqualified opinions of an agenda-driven attention-whore.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

DJT Chalks Up Another Win

Chalk up another "W" for the DJT.  We previously posted about the unsightly pile of garbage that Ted Orkin and his buddy Chip Matthews had allowed to be piled at the rear of Orkin's property at 206 West Capitol Street.  Here's what the property looked like back then: 

This eyesore had been in this condition for many months, clearly visible to anyone going to do business at the McCoy Federal Building across the street.  We wrote about this mess and "politely" "requested" that Ted Orkin clean this crap up. 

Less than 48 hours after we posted the story, the mess was gone.  Here's the "after" shot of the property:

Now, if Ted will just clean up the human trash on the inside of the building, we'll be all squared away.

The DJT.  Cleaning up the community one piece of trash at a time.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Dear Occupy Jackson

Clean this shit up.

This is the scene downtown residents were treated to all weekend at the Occupy Jackson commune.  An unsightly pile of crap left unattended on the sidewalk.  This is a far cry from the "clean as a whistle" image presented at the City Council meeting by the Occupy malcontents.

Occupy Jackson evidently thinks that its First Amendment right to complain that the World hasn't given them everything they want (with no effort from them), includes the right to make our community look like a Rankin County yard sale.  So, to Chelsea "Squeaky" McDonald, Professor of Hygeine James Parker and the rest of the shiftless Occupy Jackson crowd, we say clean this shit up.  Or, bettter yet, go pile this crap up on a sidewalk in Brandon (you know, where you live). 

This is our community.  Please stop trashing it. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Benji Boyd Arrested. Henry Michel Hides Under His Desk

The DJT previously wrote about the Millsaps Building, which in our estimation is an incubator for crime in downtown Jackson.  One of the primary offenders is one Benjamin Boyd, also known as Dirty White Boy.  Among other things, Boyd built the illegal rooftop bar known as the Skybox (or Skyyboxx or Sykyboxx, depending on how many rocks one has smoked).  The property manager, Henry Michel, received numerous complaints about Boyd's illegal construction, yet did nothing.  According to Henry, since Dirty White Boy wasn't doing anything illegal (and paid his rent on time), he could not evict the miscreant from the building. 

City of Jackson Code Enforcement subsequently paid a visit to the illegal rooftop bar.  Rooftop bars are not allowed in the City of Jackson.  Another problem was that Boyd's construction skills aren't exactly a model of industry standards.  While there are several examples, this is the DJT's personal favorite:

The DJT is not an electrician, but this just didn't look too safe.  Halfass wiring aside, this was uncovered and exposed to the elements.  Something about rainwater + electricity just made us nervous.  (Note that Henry Michel had previously looked at this and saw no problem). 

Code enforcement ordered Boyd to dismantle all this crap immediately.  All Boyd had to do was take down this "construction" and there would be no penalty--not even a citation.  So Boyd did what any red-blooded downtown Jackson trash would do:  he refused to take it down.

Two weeks later, Code Enforcement came back to inspect the property again.  Somehow, they found out that Boyd did not take down the bar as ordered.  This time, they brought the JPD Precinct 5 Commander and another police officer with them.  When the officers arrived, Benji was none too happy.  When code enforcement tried to talk to Benji, he put a cussing on them that would have made Bobby Knight blush.  Despite giving him several opportunities to shut up and allow access to the property, Boyd refused.  His final words to the officers were:  "PO-LEESE in Jackson ain't SHIT!"

And you know what happened next:

Benji Boyd Jackson MS Arrest Report

That's right, they arrested his sorry ass.  (NOTE:  This document is not the officer's narrative report.  This document is an MPRA incident report, which is a Clerk's short synopsis of the arresting officer's report).

Even after this incident, Henry Michel refused to regulate Dirty White Boy's conduct.  He continued to proclaim that "he isn't doing anything wrong so I can't evict him."  Well Henry, how about this for a reason to evict the dirtbag?:  (1) As stated in the report, his construction violated City code.  Using the premises to engage in an unlawful activity is always grounds for eviction; (2) Committing a crime and getting arrested on the leased premises also justifies eviction; (3) Disrupting other businesses by committing #1 and 2 is another grounds for eviction.

Despite receiving this and other evidence of DWB's conduct, Henry Michel hid under his desk and did nothing.  As a result, Benji Boyd finished the rooftop construction and the Skybox fire trap was open for business.  Henry Michel is complicit in the activities of Boyd and the Locker Room, just the same as if he was a partner in the venture.  And, in many ways, we suppose he is. 

The next time you see Henry Michel or Walter Michel, make sure and tell them both how much you appreciate their efforts to make downtown Jackson all it can be.

Friday, November 25, 2011

NEW RULE (No. 2)

If Occupy Jackson is going to make its point by quoting Jew-hating Russian authors, they must spell all the words correctly.

This sentiment was expressed in a book written by Russian anti-Semitic author Fyodor Dostoyevsky.  The title of the book, you ask?  The Idiot.  We kid you not.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Brian Eason Does a Drive-By on Councilman Quentin Whitwell

City Beat Reporter Brian Eason recently penned a patented Clarion-Ledger drive-by on Ward 1 Councilman Quentin Whitwell.  The blog post, entitled Jokes Reign at latest Occupy Jackson Hearing, attempted to highlight alleged bad behavior by Mr. Whitwell at a recent City Council meeting.  That's an ironic title, considering that the only "joke" arising from this meeting was Eason's post.

During the meeting, the full City Council considered the shower-education awareness group Occupy Jackson's request to set up a commune in Smith Park.  Mr. Whitwell spoke against the request, generally citing "law and order" concerns.  Whitwell made no personal attacks or insults in his pithy comments.

When Whitwell concluded his remarks, Ward 2 City Councilman Edwin Taliaferro Chokwe Lumumba made the obligatory (and completely irrelevant) reference to race.  Sticking to his lifelong race-baiting schtick, Lumumba said of Whitwell's remarks, "Senator Bilbo couldn't have said it better."  The insulting comparison to Bilbo, a vile racist, was a blatant and inflammatory personal attack on Whitwell.  After Lumumba finished his remarks, Whitwell attempted to object to the inappropriate comments.  The chair of the meeting, Council Vice-President Tony Yarber, repeatedly spoke over Whitwell to prevent him from making his objections.  To make matters worse, SoJack's finest made no attempt to reprimand or caution Lumumba not to make such statements.

Despite the deplorable behavior by Lumumba, and gutless behavior by Yarber, Brian Eason made up a story that falsely stated that Whitwell acted inappropriately during the meeting.  Here's what Eason wrote:

He (Whitwell) and Ward 2 Councilman Chokwe Lumumba exchanged heated words at the first meeting, and the Council Vice President, Tony Yarber, got on Whitwell repeatedly for speaking (and occasionally shouting) out of turn.
Any reasonable person who reads this would get the impression that Whitwell acted inappropriately at the meeting, and had to be jerked back into line by the Principal.  There's only one problem with Brian Eason's claim:  It's a complete fabrication. 

Thankfully, we don't have to accept Eason's claim that Whitwell shouted, because it's on video.  Watch the video, and decide for yourself whether Mr. Whitwell was "shouting."  (Note to Brian Eason:  If it's easier to hear Whitwell than it is the others, it's not because he was "shouting."  It's because he was speaking directly into a sound amplification device commonly referred to as a "microphone."  The purpose of this device is to assist members of the audience in hearing the speaker's words.  For more information regarding this cutting-edge technology, click here).

Eason's claim that Whitwell was "speaking out-of-turn," is not exactly accurate either.  In Legislative bodies, it is a common and accepted practice for members to respond to inflammatory statements and personal attacks by other members.  This allows the member to ask the chair to strike the inflammatory comments or admonish the offender.  This practice is sometimes referred to as a "point of order."  Evidently, Tony Yarber and Brian Eason are not familiar with this procedure. 

Eason's blatantly false jab at Whitwell is compounded by the fact that he didn't say one word about Lumumba's inflammatory remark.  He didn't even mention it.  Comparing a fellow councilmember to Bilbo is inappropriate by any standard.  Despite having this clear evidence of inappropriate conduct staring him in the face, Eason ignored it.  Instead, he makes up a story that it was Whitwell who acted badly. 

Why would Eason do this?  Why couldn't Eason bring himself to even mention Lumumba's remarks?  Why go to the trouble of making up a story about Whitwell, when he had clear proof of obvious bad behavior by a notorious race baiter? 

Eason's half-ass attempt at drive-by journalism would be bad enough had his dishonesty-by-omission ended there.  But it didn't.  Later in the post, Eason described the Planning Committee meeting that took place the next day.  During the meeting, Lumumba showed his behind again and walked out of the meeting.  Inexplicably, Mr. Eason did not think that was worthy for inclusion in the post.  Once again, Eason neglected to mention Lumumba's conduct.  And once again, we ask why.

Mr. Eason, why did you fail to mention Lumumba's deplorable comments in this post?  Why did you fail to mention that Lumumba injected the irrelevant race issue into the discussion?  Why did you fail to report that Lumumba disrespectfully walked out of the Planning Committee meeting when he didn't get his way?  Why did you overlook all this actual misconduct, and instead fabricate a story about Whitwell acting inappropriately?

In other words, Mr. Eason, why are you covering for Chokwe Lumumba?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New Rule, Part II

The DJT previously reported that the Jackson Downtown Neighborhood Association (JDNA) did not appear at the City Council meeting on November 21 to address Occupy Jackson's demand to camp out in Smith Park.  At that meeting, only former Jackson Mayor Kane Ditto appeared in opposition to the request.  The Council ultimately referred the matter to the Council's Planning Committee for further consideration.  The Committee was scheduled to meet the following day.

After the meeting, we contacted JDNA to determine the reason for JDNA's silence.  Specifically, we asked the following questions: (1) What is JDNA's position as to the occupiers' demands to camp out overnight in Smith Park, and (2) Whether JDNA had communicated its position to the City Council.

We got a response shortly after 9 a.m. on November 22.  The response was that the JDNA had not taken a position one way or the other.  Sometime between 9 a.m. and the time of the Planning Committee meeting, the JDNA evidently adopted a position in opposition to the occupiers' request.  Members of the organization appeared before the Committee and voiced opposition to overnight camping.  The Committee ultimately decided to recommend a compromise measure that would allow Occupy Jackson to stay in Smith Park until 11 p.m.

The DJT previously criticized JDNA for not appearing at the City Council meeting on November 21 to oppose Occupy Jackson, and for failing to adopt a position on the issue at all.  That criticism was both accurate and fair.  However, it would be patently unfair if we did not commend (and thank) JDNA for quickly adopting a position and appearing at the Planning Committee meeting the following day. 

Occupy Jackson Update: Councilman Edwin Taliaferro Takes His Toys and Goes Home

Yesterday, the Jackson City Council Planning Committee took up the issue of Occupy Jackson's demand to camp out and teach bathing lessons in Smith Park.  And once again, Councilman Chokwe Lumumba Edwin Taliaferro used the opportunity to act like a preschooler.

The Clarion-Ledger reported that Councilman Taliaferro made a motion to allow the protesters to camp in Smith Park overnight as they demanded.  When the motion died without a second, Edwin walked out of the meeting.  Edwin said he did not want to participate in the meeting if the Committee was not going to capitulate to the occupiers' demands.  Ever the clown, Edwin stated "It would be just like our predecessors telling Martin Luther King Jr. or Medgar Evers how to march...."

Yeah, Edwin.  Just like that.

Ultimately, the Committee adopted a compromise to waive the dusk closing time and allow the occupiers to stay in the park until 11:00 p.m., but not overnight.

Like clockwork, the Occupy Jackson Whining Machine went into full effect after the meeting.  Chelsea "Cricket" MacDonald, Occupy Jackson's spoiled, overindulged spokeswhiner, immediately started complaining because they didn't get exactly what they demanded.

The issue will ultimately be resolved when the full City Council meeting next week.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


You don't get to call yourself a neighborhood association, if all you do is call yourself a neighborhood association.  Yes, I'm talking to you Jackson Downtown Neighborhood Association.

As reported by Jackson Jambalaya, the Occupy Jackson crowd continued their fight to turn Smith Park into their own degenerate 24/7 two-and-a-half month dirty campground.  The anti-money protesters appeared before the City Council at the full council meeting on November 21, to appeal the daylight-to-dusk permit granted by the administration.  Incredibly, only former Jackson Mayor Kane Ditto spoke against allowing the protesters to turn the park into a campground.  After Mr. Ditto spoke, the Council was treated to a veritable loser parade of occupiers, some of whom claimed that the community actually wanted them there on a 24/7 basis.

The troubling part is that no one appeared to speak on behalf of the residents of downtown Jackson.  Not a single representative from JDNA appeared to give the residents' perspective of this grime pile.  In fact, JDNA hasn't even taken a position at all on the issue.  JDNA has been completely AWOL on this issue. 

This is no small matter.  We have a bunch of Rankin-Madison-Scott County trash trying to set up a camp, complete with porta-jons, fifty (50) feet from where residents live.  Yet, JDNA cannot be bothered to think about it.  They are far too busy planning the next feel-good mixer to be bothered with such frivolous matters as quality of life.

How hard would it have been to appear at the meeting and speak for two minutes on behalf of downtown residents?  Or if you did not want to appear at the meeting, why not write a letter to the Council in opposition of the occupiers?  It's not like it would have required that much effort.  We've already done the work for you, just print it off and send it to the Council. 

By your silence and failure to act, you tacitly approved of the occupiers' appeal.  The Council knows that we have a neighborhood association for downtown residents.  When JDNA stands mute, it sends a message to the Coouncil that downtown residents don't care how many Occupy fools occupy the park, or for how long.

There is more to being a neighborhood association than planning cocktail parties.  It takes more than putting up little flyers telling people where to go hang out and drink.  Besides, we already have a little flyer that does that--the Jackson Free Press.

A neighborhood association takes action to protect and advocate on behalf of the residents.  The DJT sees no evidence that the JDNA has any interest whatsoever in protecting and advocating on behalf of the residents of downtown Jackson.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Occupy Jackson Update: Councilman Edwin Taliaferro a/k/a Chokwe Lumumba Shows His Butt

Former New Afrika Republic Minister of Justice, and current Ward 2 City Councilman, Edwin Taliaferro Chokwe Lumumba did what he does best during the Occupy Jackson appeal hearing today:  He showed his butt.

As reported by Kingfish, Councilman Quentin Whitwell moved that Occupy Jackson be allowed to protest in accordance with the original permit issued by the permit department.  Whitwell stated that requiring the protesters to follow the original permit was consistent with good "law and order."  That evidently set off General Taliaferro Lumumba as he compared Whitwell to former racist Mississippi Gov. Theodore Bilbo.  Kingfish has the video here.

It's no great shock to the DJT that Taliaferro Lumumba showed his butt tonight.  After all, he's made a life of acting like a clown.  In fact, we could probably devote an entire blog to Taliaferro Lumumba acting like a fool.  It's also no great surprise that Taliaferro Lumumba would sympathize with the occupiers, as his own seditious proclivities support a complete occupation of the entire southeastern United States.

What we do find shocking is that gutless SoJack Councilman Tony Yarber, who was chairing the meeting, did not smack Taliaferro Lumumba down when he made the remark.  In most Legislative bodies, comparing a colleague to the likes of Bilbo would result in a rebuke from the chair.  But Tony Yarber is apparently too much of a coward to stand up to Taliaferro Lumumba.  Rather than rule Taliaferro Lumumba out of order, he shouted down Whitwell when he tried to object to the remarks.  Disgraceful.

Some free advice to Tony Yarber:  This is the City Council, not a faculty meeting at Marshall Elementary.  If you aren't man enough to stand up to Taliaferro Lumumba when he makes these outrageous statements, you need to hand the gavel back to Mr. Bluntson and go review some lesson plans or something.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Devil Went Down To....Alabama??

We all know that Chip Matthews likes to have his tentacles in many different scum bars in downtown Jackson, even though he continuously tries to hide his involvement in those clubs.  What many do not know is that Chip is an "interstate" purveyor of trash.

Back in 2009, the Chipster decided to try his hand at the trash bar bidness in Birmingham.  His target was the Five Points Music Hall in Birmingham, Alabama.  The DJT doesn't know anything about Birmingham night life, but Five Points was apparently a big deal a few years ago.  Despite being a popular venue, an underage patron had a little too much to drink one night and decided to hone his marksmanship skills in the parking lot, resulting in the deaths of 2 people.  The bar closed shortly thereafter.  Like a vulture on a dead possum, here comes Chip Matthews.

In July of 2009, Chip Matthews and 2 guys from Birmingham re-opened Five Points to much fanfare.  And then, a short 8 months later, it abruptly closed without explanation.  An "owner or manager" appeared in the middle of the night and cleaned the place out, even packing up the tables.

It appears Chip made some new friends in Birmingham.  A few of them stopped by the above post to wish him Godspeed, farewell, and following seas:

We have repeatedly said that Chip Matthews does not intend to contribute anything positive to downtown Jackson.  He has opened (and closed) every type of trash bar imaginable in Jackson, never once leaving the community better, or at least no worse, than he found it.  Many people in Jackson know that Chip Matthews opens and quickly closes so-called clubs and bars.  We doubt many people knew that he does this on an interstate scale as well. 

This is how Chip rolls.  It's a pattern and practice.  A modus operandi.  Chip Matthews' latest trash dive is not going to benefit our community.  It will hurt our neighborhood, and in a few months Chip will cut-and-run like he always does.  And a few months after that, we'll find him slipping around in the shadows looking to do it all over again.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The "New" Fire (Re)Opens!!!

If bullshit was a controlled substance, Chip Matthews would sell it by the gram. (h/t Vanilla Ice).

After mysteriously closing a few weeks ago, the Fire sewer Club looks like its ready to reopen.  But it's not the old Fire.  Apparently it's the "all new Fire."  Chip Matthews announced today that a new show was coming to the bar he doesn't (wink, wink) own:

The Sultan of Slime already has shows planned for two more dates after that.  The DJT welcomes the "new" FIRE to downtown, though we question what is "new" about it.  It appears to be the same skank hangout its always been.  And, of course, the "new" FIRE has Chip Matthews ass-deep in the operation, just like the old FIRE.  What, exactly, has changed?

Looks like some more Chip Matthews shady bullshit to us.  At any rate, we're sure the old/new FIRE  will make a positive contribution to the community.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Does Madison County Resident Chip Matthews Own Fire?

Several readers have commented that Madison County scum merchant Chip Matthews owns Fire.  This appears to be a widely-held belief.  Chip did a drive-by on another post and made it a point to say that the only business license he held was for some other location--not Fire.  However, the undisputed Baron of Bullshit stopped just short of denying an ownership interest in Fire.

We know that Chip's modus operandi is to open bars, and then go to great lengths to hide his involvement in them.  So naturally, the DJT wanted to poke around in this pile of feces to see what was under it.

According to the Secretary of State, FIRE, LLC was created on November 7, 2005.  Members of the corporation include Charles E. Matthews, Jr., Cecil Fox, Jr. and Samuel Pittman.  Here's the Certificate of Formation:

Fire Club Jackson MS-Certificate of Formation

On an incestuous note, "Samuel Pittman" is the same name ("Sam Pittman") listed by Club Volume patsy DJ Cornbread on his Facebook page:

Less than a year later, the Three Stooges broke up.  On June 14, 2006, they submitted a Certificate of Amendment (signed by all three) to the Secretary of State.  The amendment removed the Chipster from the LLC and replaced him as registered agent.  This left Cecil C. Fox, Jr. and Samuel Pittman as members of the corporation.

Fire Club Jackson MS Certificate of Amendment 6-14-06

Six months later, the Fire starters filed yet another Certificate of Amendment.  This time, they removed Samuel Pittman and added F. Earl Fyke, IV as a member of the LLC.

Fire Club Jackson MS Certificate of Amendment 1-22-07

As it stands now, those are the members of the corporation.  So Chip is telling the truth.  He has abolutely nothing to do with FIRE.  And we believe him. 

Yeah, right.

That's an awful lot of change in membership in such a short period of time.  It's also inconsistent with Chip's actions in appearing to be skank deep in Fire's operations.  The DJT wonders what is really going on here.  Why is Chip so secretive about his involvement in these dives?  Who is Cecil C. Fox, Jr.?  F. Earl Fyke, IV? 

Wonder how long it's going to take us to put this little scum-puzzle together.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Club Volume-Here We Go Again

Did you know the average adult cockroach can lay 400 eggs in a single year?  We know this because Jackson's most famous human cockroach keeps hatching his eggs downtown.

The latest clusterfuck business venture is Club Volume.  Consider this an open forum on the new club, located at 206 West Capitol Street.  What do ya'll know about these miscreants young entrepreneurs?

The DJT has a few questions:

1.  Is this a Chip Matthews production?

2.  If so, is the slimeball going to have the stones to admit it's his place?

3.  Who is "DVDJ Clover?"

4.  Is Mr. Clover a resident of the City of Jackson?  If so, does Mr. Clover live downtown?

5.  What do you get when you take a lame white dude and give him a street name?

6.  Is Club Volume gonna bring some uptown to downtown?

7.  Who is Elizabeth Peabody Smith and what, if any, connection does she have to this club?

8.  Will Club Volume have a delousing station and penicillin vending machine in case Chip drops by to visit the club he "doesn't" own?

Let 'er rip.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nice Shot

Oakland PD "asks" occupier to move along.

Jackson City Council Tells Occupy Jackson Trash to Come Back Later

The unemployed butt monkeys from Occupy Jackson showed up at the Jackson City Council meeting to demand that they be allowed to turn Smith Park into a makeshift campground for 3 months.

The City of Jackson previously granted a permit to Occupy Jackson that allowed them to publicly make fools of themselves protest in Smith Park.  The permit, however, stopped short of Occupy Jackson's demand to invade and permanently take over Smith Park 24 hours a day for two-and-a-half months.  Even though Mayor Johnson's office made reasonable accommodations to the protestors, they were still not satisfied.  The entitled little princesses pitched a fit and filed an "appeal" of the permit decision to the City Council.

As reported by the Clarion-Ledger, a procedural error resulted in the appeal not being properly placed on the agenda.  Ward 2 Councilman Chokwe Lumumba asked that the Council hear the appeal as an "emergency" matter (Lumumba didn't specify what part of Occupy Jackson's little tantrum constituted an emergency).  Thankfully, Ward 1 Councilman Quentin Whitwell objected to the motion.  Because emergency matters require a unanimous vote, Whitwell's objection prevented the appeal from being heard.  The Council rescheduled the hearing for Monday.

Occupy Jackson motormouth spokesperson Chelsea McDonald lied her ass off tried her best to spin that the protesters were neat and tidy in the park.  McDonald, who is from Rankin County, told WAPT,
All of our stuff is picked up and moved out, and we clean up around it. We have our recycling bins that we use. We dump all the trash ourselves.
Oh really?  Well how about this pile of shit stacked up on our sidewalk:

Is this Ms. McDonald's idea of picking things up and cleaning?  Tell you what Sweety, why don't you go pile all this crap on a sidewalk in Brandon (you know, where you're from)?  Hint:  Taking a bucket seat out of a car and using it as lawn furniture may be perfectly acceptable in Rankin County, but we consider it a bit "uncultured" over here.

The DJT is sure the Occupy Jackson Trash will be back whining and crying at the Council meeting on Monday.  We appreciate Councilman Whitwell's efforts to eradicate these pests from downtown, and pray that he continues to do so.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Don't Eat Uncle Fuller's BBQ in Canton MS

Uncle Fuller's BBQ in Canton MS is the very first business to be placed on the DJT's Boycott/Do-Not-Buy List.

This place is owned by Madison County slimeball Chip Matthews.  Uncle Fuller's restaurant appears to be a nice, quaint little BBQ place.  Nothing like the shitholes Chip Matthews opens in our community.  In his own community, Chip opens barbecue restaurants near the courthouse.  In our neighborhood, Chip Matthews opens overflowing sewers like The Joint freak parade and Wendy's Whorehouse Playhouse.  Places that he is so ashamed of he has to get "front men" to run them.

The DJT is fed up with this nasty MF shitting on downtown Jackson.  He has enough respect for Canton and Madison County (where he lives) to not open dives, but has no problem whatsoever disrespecting Jackson with his human sewage.

Slimeball Chip Matthews has no respect for Jackson, so the DJT sees no need for Jackson to respect Chip Matthews.  If you find yourself in Canton around lunchtime, find somewhere other than Uncle Fuller's to eat.  Every dollar you spend at this place helps finance this fat bastard's operations in Jackson.

The DJT likes Canton and Madison County.  There are plenty of good restaurants to choose from in Canton.  But Uncle Fuller's ain't one of them.  The DJT encourages you to show Chip Matthews the same amount of love and respect he shows us.  Boycott this place.  Don't spend one cent in Uncle Fuller's restaurant in Canton MS.